Capital Campaign Funding Policy


Capital Campaign Funding Policy


The capital campaign funding policy sets forth guidelines regarding the financing of capital campaigns and development programs.


The institution’s general fund will be the primary funding vehicle for capital campaigns and development programs and include specific line items for display purposes.

The institution’s foundation and alumni associations contribute to the operating support of the campaign which, depending upon the nature of the campaign, will either augment or offset institutional support.

Prior to embarking on a capital campaign, the institution will seek to achieve operating support in the form of contributions from individuals, corporations, and others who support the fundraising mission of the institution to offset, where possible, startup costs and other campaign-related expenses and development costs.

All funding received for capital campaign operating purposes and development costs including that received from fundraising proceeds and from the foundation and alumni associations shall be directed to the institution’s fiscal vice president for deposit into the appropriate account to be managed in concert with the vice president for university advancement.

A committee comprised of representatives of the institution, the foundation, the alumni association and the Board of Governors for Higher Education examine the relationships which exist between and among the institution, the foundation, the alumni association, and the Board of Governors in order to further mutual decision-making and the appropriate utilization of resources.

This policy on capital campaign and development programs funding be reviewed on a periodic basis by representatives of the Board of Governors, the institution, and the institution’s relevant external constituencies and revised as appropriate to reflect the actual experience and needs of the institution.

A report of the results of the capital campaign, development programs, and special fundraising efforts be provided to the Board of Governors on an annual basis with the first report due August 1996.


Policy Number
5/8/1996 (BG)