Non-Smoking Policy


Non-Smoking Policy


In light of the new evidence available on the hazards of smoking, both to smokers and to non-smokers, the Board of Governors for Higher Education hereby establishes a non-smoking policy, which applies to all workplace, recreational, and residential areas within the buildings and facilities under the jurisdiction of the Board of Governors. This policy shall direct the actions at the University of Rhode Island, Rhode Island College, the Community College of Rhode Island, and the Rhode Island Office of Higher Education.


  1. There shall be no smoking in all buildings and facilities under the jurisdiction of the Board of Governors for Higher Education, except in areas specifically designated by the president/commissioner of the institution/agency.
  2. If permitted, smoking can be allowed only in specifically designated areas in which the air exchange is directly with the outside atmosphere and not with the atmosphere in any other part of the building or facility.
  3. There shall be no smoking in the rooms in which meetings or conferences sponsored by the Board of Governors for Higher Education and/or the University of Rhode Island, Rhode Island College, the Community College of Rhode Island and the Rhode Island Office of Higher Education are held.
  4. All buildings and facilities will be clearly posted with “non-smoking area” signs at the entrances.
  5. Through the Rhode Island Department of Health, information on smoking cessation programs and policies will be made available to all interested employees.
  6. The prohibitions of this policy shall not apply to the use of tobacco products as part of a pre-approved, limited classroom demonstration or a pre-approved research project.
  7. The Board of Governors non-smoking policy shall be distributed to all employees and students under its jurisdiction and shall be posted at each institution/agency.
  8. This policy supersedes the current smoking/non-smoking policies adopted by the public institutions of higher education; existing policies should be revised to be in keeping with this Board of Governors policy.
  9. The Board of Governors non-smoking policy shall become effective as of July 1, 1993.


Policy Number
Legal Citation
Ex. Order 91-40
4/15/1993 (BG)