Policies of Corporate Control


Policies of Corporate Control

I. These policies are within the jurisdiction of the Board by virtue of its power to “govern” and “control,” and are exercised by the Board itself.

a. The Board shall appoint and dismiss presidents of the public institutions

b. The Board shall approve or disapprove vice presidents appointed by the respective presidents of the public institutions

c. The Board shall establish salary scales and matters related to salary increments, changes in academic status, sabbatical leaves, vacations, retirement, and other benefits provided

d. The Board shall determine the uses to which the properties of the institutions shall be put

e. The Board shall create departments of instruction, or research agencies, or administrative subdivisions and new appointive positions

f. The Board shall have jurisdiction over the budget and determine policies relating to its preparation, regulations related to budgetary control, and requests for legislative appropriations and the purposes for which said requests are made

g. The Board shall have control over and govern regulations relating to procedure in the handling of and accounting for funds

h. The Board shall accept gifts of funds or other properties for the use of the institutions subject to such terms as it may approve

i. The Board shall establish fees, within legal limitations, if any, and other charges to students

II. The Commissioner of Higher Education is the chief executive officer of the Board of Governors for Higher Education and the chief administrator of the Office of Higher Education. The Board is responsible for governing the three public institutions of higher education: the University of Rhode Island, Rhode Island College and the Community College of Rhode Island.  Each institution is headed by a president, who is the chief executive officer of that institution.  Consistent with Chapter 16-59 of the General Laws of Rhode Island, the presidents report to the Board through the commissioner but have direct access to the Board. The commissioner and presidents are expected to maintain a close and effective working relationship.

The responsibilities of the commissioner are governed by the Education Act of 1981.  Specifically, the duties of the commissioner shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

  • to enforce standards and to exercise general supervision over public higher education in the state and over independent higher education in the state as provided by law;
  • to recommend to the Board, after consultation with the presidents, a mission for each public institution of higher education;
  • to chair the Operating Executive Committee (PEEC:  Postsecondary Education Executive Council), which is composed of the presidents and the commissioner
  • to develop and implement a systematic program of data collection
  • to prepare a master plan for higher education within the state
  • to assist the Board in the preparation and presentation of the annual budget for higher education
  • to recommend to the Board, after consultation with the presidents, tables of organization for the public institutions of higher education;
  • to communicate with and seek the advice of those concerned with and affected by the Board of Governors’ determinations
  • to annually recommend to the Board of Governors, after consultation with the presidents, the creation, abolition, retention or consolidation of departments and courses of study within the public colleges and universities;
  • to be responsible for the coordination of the various higher educational functions in the state so that maximum efficiency and economy may be achieved
  • to carry out the policies and directives of the Board of Governors and to perform such other additional duties and responsibilities as may be assigned by the Board from time to time


Council Governance
Policy Number
Legal Citation
RIGL §16-59
1969 (BT); 7/2/81 (BG)
8/18/88 (BG)