Prevention of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Policy


Prevention of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Policy


The Board of Governors is committed to the principle that the use of illegal drugs, the use of alcohol by anyone under twenty-one years of age, the illegal sale of controlled substances, and the abuse of alcohol by anyone (students, faculty, administrators, staff, alumni, guests, or visitors) shall not be condoned on any Rhode Island public college or university campus or at any other location under the jurisdiction of the board. The board expects all public college and university presidents and the commissioner to continue to make the elimination of alcohol and other drug abuse a top priority, either by maintaining dry campuses or by establishing an environment conducive to responsible, legal use.


  • Each public institution of higher education in Rhode Island shall have an alcohol and drug abuse policy, which pertains to all segments of the campus community (students, faculty, administrators, staff, alumni, guests and visitors). Policies shall state clearly that illegal or irresponsible alcohol and other drug use on campus is not acceptable.
  • Said policies shall conform to all pertinent local, state, and federal laws (including the Drug-Free Workplace and Drug-Free Schools Acts). 
  • Policies shall conform to the Standards of the Network of Colleges and Universities Committed to the Elimination of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. Policies shall stress education, prevention, treatment and the choice of healthy lifestyles.

Policies, sanctions, and treatment options shall be stated clearly and their efficacy reviewed periodically with input from all segments of the campus community.  Preventative measures and dissemination programs shall also be reviewed. The results of these reviews will be presented biennially to the Board of Governors.

Policies shall be publicized and maintained in one location on each campus where they can be referred to and examined by interested parties. In particular, policies shall be made known to all applicants and to all new students, faculty and staff.


Policy Number